About Us

Started from the bottom...

Since its launch in 2017, RAMCLUB focuses on changing the current textile industry. Fast fashion and the fasion industry cause major problems when it comes to nature, the environment and human rights. We want to do it differently, but we are aware that this is a long road where we have to start at the bottom.

The founders of Ramclub have teamed up with a factory where the roots of the founders are themselves: South America

Peru is the beginning of our product where respect is the foundation:

  • Respect for nature & enviroment
  • Respect for all employees
  • Respect for you

...Now we here

With the core value respect, we are constantly improving to make the flow between our factory in Peru and the office in The Netherlands seamless. Hereby we set even more values ​​for ourselves. In this way we can work better as a team with nature, our employees and U.
Our values, at your service:

Club as one
Personal contact

...And we continue

If we want to be better for nature, enviroment, you and ourself, there is still a large task list with challenges. But we like that … we keep striving to make this to-do list smaller. We don’t do that ourselves. We do that together.